In partnership with our manufacturing partner Mediterraneo Senales Maritimes (MSM), we supply a comprehensive range of buoys to meet all requirements, including Elastomer Buoys for high impact resistance and buoyancy, or UV stabilised rotomoulded virgin polyethylene buoys, filled with closed cell expanded polyurethane foam. Buoys are available in a variety of float diameters, focal heights and marking configurations.
Buoy performance is impacted by several variables and there are many through-life considerations when designing, installing and maintaining buoys. We can assist in the design and selection process, whether the requirement is for sheltered locations or for exposed, open-sea and deep-water applications. All buoy and mooring designs are carried out using professional buoy modelling software, in compliance with the IALA Standards.

The entire range of buoys can be fitted with our range of marine lanterns, power supplies and remote monitoring and control options. We also provide professional installation services to ensure your marine AtoN is installed correctly and maintenance services to ensure the life span of your assets are maximised.

Buoy Types
- Standard range of Elastomer buoys from 0.6 to 3.6 metres float diameters and a focal height range of 1.7 to 6.0 metres.
- Standard range of Polyethylene buoys from 0.6 to 3.0 metres float diameters and a focal height range of 1.2 to 7.0 metres.
- Buoys can be configured for all marks in compliance with the IALA Maritime Buoyage System. Mooring buoys of various diameters.
- Buoys for sheltered applications such as ports and harbours.
- Buoys for temporary marking of construction zones or other special areas.
- Buoys for open-sea waters and other deep-water applications.
- Custom designs and builds.
- Specialist hybrid deep water mooring systems.
- Ecological mooring systems for use in environmentally sensitive marine habitats.
High Quality Materials and Robust Designs
- Designed for long service life.
- A choice of Elastomer Buoys for high impact resistance and buoyancy, or UV stabilized rotomoulded virgin polyethylene buoys, filled with closed cell expanded polyurethane foam.
- Superstructures and other parts can be manufactured from several different materials - polyethylene, GRP, hot dip galvanized steel, marine grade aluminium and stainless steel. Material combinations can be customised.
- Mooring chains and components manufactured from various steel grades depending on specific requirements. Certifications on steel grades available on request.
- AIS AtoN.
- Remote Monitoring by AIS, GSM, UHF and Satellite.
- Remote control and system management.
- Anti-theft cages and devices.
- Site assessments and analysis of appropriate site-related data.
- Risk assessments to identify issues relating to AtoN performance or environmental impact.
- Buoy selection and mooring design using professional buoy modelling software.
- Selection of marine lanterns and design of power supplies to maximise autonomy and selection of the most appropriate remote monitoring and control technologies.
- Design and supply of monitoring systems for oceanographic monitoring and tsunami warning systems. Design of these systems are significantly more complex than traditional buoys and M-NAV Solutions can assist with the entire design process, including any support or monitoring networks.
- Installation and maintenance services.